If you're one of those people who absolutely loves your body the way it is, then good for you. It doesn't matter if you're big or small, tall or short, or far away from your target weight. Nobody should love your body more than you do.

While it's difficult for us to appreciate our bodies in an era where the standards for 'perfect' could mean anything, here are some ways you can try to love your body the way it is:

1. Decide to love your body.

This comes from your decision to do so. For example, when plus-size model Robyn Lawley was on Ellen, she talked about how cruel the public can be when talking about her weight. In response, she focuses on self love. "Saying you love your body actually works. You create a positive-rebound effect and you start loving your body. You start not caring about the little things," she told Ellen.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others.

When you start comparing yourself to other people you'll always find someone who would appear to be more attractive than you. So if you're going to follow someone else's idea of what your body should look like, you'll never be satisfied.

3. Celebrate your body for what it can do.

Instead of focusing on how your legs look, thank them for your ability to shop for a straight three hours. And instead of worrying about how big your arms are, appreciate the fact that it gives you the ability to pick up your children when they need you.

4. Dance.

You don't have to be a professional dancer to dance. You might even look like a total goon on the dance floor, but who cares?! Have some fun and people will love your authenticity. So get dancing and have a blast!

5. Consider the way you'd like your kids to see their bodies as adults.

Think of your body as the way you'd like your kids to see their bodies when they grow up. You'll want them to love their bodies, right? Brené Brown says, "Who we are and how we engage with the world are much stronger predictors of how our children will do than what we know about parenting.” The same goes for body image.

6. Respect your body and its limits.

Some bodies are stronger than others. Competition can lead to injury, so listen to your body and know its limits.

7. Take care of your body.

Loving your body means treating it right. Instead of criticizing your body for being too fat, too thin, or too unhealthy, do something about it. Choose what food you eat and think about what your body needs. If exercise is the answer then put on your sweatpants and get running!

You don't need an extreme diet or fitness regime to care for your body.

8. Be compassionate with yourself if you have an off day.

So you ended up binging on bags of junk food during a movie marathon, and then had no time to hit the gym. But that's okay! Everybody has their off days. Just bear in mind that you'll have the opportunity to improve the next day.

9. Remember the media's agenda: the worse you feel about yourself, the more products you buy.

Don't let brands make you feel like you're lacking anything. Most brands will make you feel like you're missing out on a chance to look or feel better. But you're fine just the way you are, and you don't need to use Dove soap to feel beautiful.

10. Having a rough day? Do things that make you feel better.

Think about the simple things that make you happy. It could be as simple as getting coffee, or painting your nails. Reward yourself a little treat to make yourself feel better. If you can't, keep just remember that you'll still be able to do those things another day. The bottom-line is that there will be better days, and everybody deserves a bit of self-pampering.

11. Acknowledge that changing the way you feel about yourself takes time, and it's challenging.

It is indeed challenging, to remind yourself to love yourself every day. There will be times when you'll feel like you've disappointed yourself. Or beat yourself up over something you did or didn't do. But it all boils down to the choices you make everyday. So decide to love your body for everything it can do and stop thinking of what it can't do.

Loving yourself takes effort, but if you choose to love yourself, and be brave about being yourself, then it's worth the challenge.