Who says that ladies can't make the big decision to take control of where their relationship is heading? Isn't it time men show a symbol of their commitment too?

One survey conducted by jeweler Robbins Brothers, 67 percent of 800 men said that they would be open to the idea of wearing a "man-gagement ring". An earlier study puts that number closer to 17 percent, with only an estimated five percent of betrothed American males are currently sporting a pre-wedding ring.

But if you've been seriously thinking about asking your man to marry you, these following tips will at least help to ensure that it all goes smoothly:

Be Absolutely Sure You're Ready To Get Hitched

Ask yourself honesty if it is truly time to make it official. If you're still feeling uncertain, concentrate on strengthening your relationship first.

Be Honest About Your Motives

Is he truly Mr. Right, or just Mr. Right Now? NEVER propose out of desperation for feedback, as this indicates that you're not ready to handle the complexities of being married. It's always better to acknowledge the truth earlier rather than when it's already too late.

Gauge your boyfriend's chances of proposing to you

Has he initiated any discussions? Are there "indicators" hinting he's planning a forthcoming proposal?  Be warned that talking a lot about future commitments could put your boyfriend's relationship radar on alert.

Be Sensitive to His Ego

 Kudos to you for being the first to pledge faith in your future together, but keep in mind that he may be a little disappointed that you stole his thunder, whether he was planning a proposal or not.

Once you're at least 95 percent positive that he'll say "Yes!", it's time to start planning:

Think about what you're going to say

Don't just utter those 4 little words, tell him why he's the one for you, what marriage means to you, and what your hopes for the future are. Write down exactly what you're going to say to make sure you come off as smooth and confident.

Buy a Gift for Both of You

You really can’t expect him to go out and buy you an engagement ring (or any other form of jewelry) without buying one for yourself as well. What you pick doesn't have to be expensive, just meaningful.

Think Unique

Taking the time to make it special and personal will make him feel cherished and understood. Plan around your shared history by choosing a meaningful day, significant location and theme. Be extra attentive to the details.

Plan Ahead

It’s always good to have a back up plan in case Mother Nature or traffic decide to wreak havoc. Try to pick a day and time of day when you know he'll be relaxed. Double-check any reservations you made, and if friends/family are involved, be sure that they fully understand their roles in the event.

Above All, Keep It Simple

Being the one to propose marriage can be quite stressful. Keeping things private and personal will prevent yourself from being distracted and stressed out by too many details.

Good luck on popping the question!