Remember A.J. McLean? He was the "bad boy" member of the 90s hit boy band known as The Backstreet Boys.

After hearing about Justin Bieber's bad behavior, McLean has decided to pass on some wisdom by taking the kid under his great big bushy beard:
McLean – who honeymooned in Bora Bora at the same time as Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun – plans to contact Braun and "see if I can reach out to Justin and see if we can have a sit-down, take him under my wing, and tell him what it was like for me at that age, and maybe see if he will actually hear me."

..."One of the first things I would say is one of the tattoos that I have on me that says, 'What are you doing?' " he explains. "Are you trying to prove something to yourself? Are you trying to prove something to the press and the media? Are you trying to flip everyone the bird and say, 'I can do what I want!'? Or are you trying to ask for help and you're not going about it the right way? This could be a cry for help for all we know."

"Hopefully he'll want to sit down and we can have a little chat," McLean says. "Obviously he has to go through what he's going through, and hopefully he comes out the other end a better, stronger human being."
Here's hoping that McLean can somehow help clean up Bieber's act. Or at the very least, teach the kid how not to destroy whatever is left of his career.
