Lindsay Lohan is going all gangster these days. The latest rumor, she had Barron Hilton beat up. A source told the New York Post:
"They had been partying all night, when Lindsay's current boy toy started talking to Barron about what a nightmare she is and how he wants to end things with her. Barron sympathized with him, but Lindsay overheard and was so angry he was 'talking smack' about her. She ordered her friend [to] beat up Barron."

The source added, "Barron has filed a police report naming Lindsay Lohan and his attacker, who is a friend of hers. Miami police are looking for them both. Barron's face is a mess and he has been seen by a doctor. He is the victim and is really shaken up."

A separate source claimed Miami police showed up at Lohan's hotel twice Saturday, without a warrant, looking for the alleged attacker. We're told the officers were turned away on both occasions without interviewing Lohan or the alleged assailant, who was not at the hotel. A frantic Lohan was spotted checking out of the Shore Club "in a hurry."