The harsh and uncompromising UK winter is almost behind us, and with snow falling in March and April, global warming might be taking its toll, and in the short time prior to the start of the unpredictable summer, one’s thoughts invariably turn to the patio area. Typically, this would require a spruce up around this time of the year, but if you’d like to make some major changes, here are some great ideas to transform your terrace in time for summer.

Replace the Timber Decking – The harsh UK climate can play havoc with timber decking, and unless you regularly treat the timber, it will become damaged and look rather jaded. There are online garden suppliers of quality timber decking at affordable prices, and you can easily fit the planks in a day. You can buy seasoned timber that is cut to your specified sizes, making it much easier to lay, and with a drill and a box of screws, your new timber decking will last for many years.

Fencing Solutions – If your fencing has seen better days, this might be the time to make a few changes, and whether you prefer overlapping panels or a slat type design, there are online suppliers who will machine fencing to the customer’s specifications, and will also supply the posts and fixtures and fittings. You might like to hang some plants on a nice trellis, which will add some colour and depth to the terraced area.

Artificial Grass - If, like the majority of UK homeowners, you are fed up with the weekly chore of mowing the lawn, why not invest in some artificial grass? This is a cost effective way of keeping than lush green look without the heavy maintenance that comes with real grass, and with several leading manufacturers that guarantee their product for 15 years, you can have the best of both worlds.

Screening and Shading – No terrace would be complete without a suitable awning, and with modern solutions that are tailor made to fit the property, you can have stylish shading that comes in retractable form, allowing you to choose how much sun you want at any given time. Roller blinds make the ideal side screening, and they act as an efficient windbreaker, which is always needed with the unpredictable British weather.

Stone Paving – Your stone paving on the pathways might have seen better days, or perhaps you have yet to create pathways leading from your patio to other areas of the garden, or your patio requires a stone floor, and with online suppliers of a range of quality pavers at affordable prices, a single weekend would see the new flooring installed.

There are online suppliers of all things garden and horticultural, and all it takes to source such a company is an online search, and after some careful browsing, a secure online payment will see the items shipped to your home address.