When you consider the amount of time and effort that goes into placing outbound calls for business purposes, it is quite extensive and can make it hard for your agents to provide their optimal performance. For example, if you are attempting to reach out to individuals for telemarketing purposes, you must physically dial the number for the individual, wait for them to pick up (or wait for their answering machine to pick up the call), and either answer or dial the next person on the list. 

Through such a method, you can’t always guarantee that each number you dial will result in a successful connection with the person on the other line. Fortunately, this is where hosted predictive dialer software comes in. 

What is predictive dialer software? 

Predictive dialer software is a software that streamlines the outbound calling process by calling multiple numbers on a list of leads at once while agents are on other calls or waiting for their next connection. Using a special algorithm, the software has the ability to screen out calls based on numbers that have not answered calls, do not have service, and ones that have rejected the calls, so that the agents working at the call center do not have to screen the calls themselves. This way, they can spend their time seamlessly transitioning between one call and the next without having to dial and go through a list. This also places less stress on employees at a call center, as they won’t have to worry about meeting a certain quota and can instead focus on making call after call. 

What does “hosted” predictive dialer mean? 

There are two categories of call center software: local and hosted. If you choose to go with a local predictive dialer, this means that you will have to install the software and hardware yourself and ensure that you have a proper IT department who can take care of any updates and manage any issues as they come up. A hosted predictive dialer software is a software that is hosted on a cloud, meaning that a third-party takes care of all of the updates and potential bug fixes so that all the call center has to do is install the software and take care of their settings. Overall, hosted predictive dialer software is more cost-efficient and effective when compared to local predictive dialer software. 

Is predictive dialer software necessary?

Hosted predictive dialer software allows a call center to work around obstacles such as the amount of time it takes an agent to physically dial numbers and the amount of time that it takes for an agent to make a successful connection after a call. If your call center puts a heavy emphasis on productivity and you are looking for a way to make the outbound calling experience more efficient, predictive dialing software has been shown to dramatically improve productivity for agents

Hosted predictive dialing software is one of the best methods to use to increase efficiency in outbound call volume and connection and will help your call center to boost its overall productivity.

If you have heard about this type of software but were uncertain about what it can offer, the information above will provide you with a clearer picture of what you can expect when you use hosted predictive dialing software to assist the agents in your call center.