Social media has many different types of personalities. The question is how do you reach those who are part of your community? And which content will appeal to all these different types of social media users? For you to create content that will be relevant to all the different social media users, you need to understand how people choose to express themselves on social media. Once you understand this, you’re one step closer to uncovering the best way your company can post relevant content that can lead to higher engagement. 

Human behavior is a very unpredictable factor in social media marketing. Social media is driven by people and without people on your side, any social media campaign you launch will fail. Every person is unique and you can't predict the behaviors of every social media user. You can only learn how they operate and meet their every needs the best way you can. The good thing is people of the same demographic or group will behave the same way.

There are different types of social media users you need to know about.

Types of social media users

The Influencer

Social media influencers are becoming more and more popular and most important user on social media. Most influencers have a massive following on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and are seen as experts in their specific fields. Their followers are more likely to listen to their advice and rely on them as a source of credible information. The best way to establish a relationship with an influencer is by talking to them directly, sharing their content so that you can get noticed. This way the influencer will be more inclined to share your content on their posts which will give your products exposure to different audiences. 

The Social Butterfly or Bonder

These social media users are very active people. You will find them being tagged in pictures with almost every person you know. Their social media accounts are always buzzing with activity. They like building and cultivating relationships which gives them a big following from engaging with their followers through liking and commenting on posts. Social butterflies form a big portion of social media users. To capture the attention of these users you can post attractive and engaging stories, videos, photos, content, etc. so that you can get significant followers for your products.

The Bystander or Onlooker

This is a tough group of social media users to influence. This user logs into their account frequently but only goes through their news feeds and checks in with their favourite brands and important people. Apart from that, you won't notice them because they don't like, comment, or share anything. You will find it difficult to connect with this group. However, you can create different posts and post at different times and with different interactive mediums till you find something that picks their interest. You can then incorporate it into your posts. For this type of users, you are basically experimenting to see what will make them react.

The Listener

This is a very active social media user who doesn’t like to be noticed. They will enjoy reading your posts or watching your videos but that doesn’t mean they will like, comment, or even share with others. You will rarely find them posting anything on their wall or even comment on something they’ve read on a post. The best way you can grab their attention is through their family and friends and social proof.

The Creator

In this group, you will find trendsetters, innovators, and hipsters. Creators love using the internet to share their brilliant ideas with the whole world. They use every means available to them so that they can express themselves whether it’s writing blogs or taking photos. You will always get the latest trending news and updates on their media accounts. Their followers rely on them to keep them updated with all the latest happenings from around the world. A creator can make a great influencer for your product or brand ambassador.

The Complainer

This isn’t a social media user you want but there is a way you can turn their complaints into something positive and use them to improve your brand reputation. Complainers tend to be very vocal on social media with their angry posts and tweets on your page which more often than not gets people to focus more on your company and make you look bad. The worst thing you can do at this time is delete the complaints. Instead, you can respond quickly and address the issues raised, apologize where necessary, explain your position, and offer a solution where you can. Your customer service skills will attract other people to notice your brand and the care you show your customers which will make them want to try your products. In the long run, a complaint can turn out to be just what you need to improve your brand reputation.


This group of users is your normal passive social media users who have one single account on social media. They want to fit in with their friends so they join Facebook or Instagram so that they feel like they belong. Social media for newcomers is mainly to improve their online relationships. They can even buy automatic instagram likes to boost their online presence to keep up with their friends. 

The Utilitarian 

This group of users don’t have many followers and don’t do much sharing either. There is no much interaction with family or friends or interact with different brands. However, most of their time is spent on social media searching for useful information, free offers, and products discounts they can use. You can easily keep these users very happy by offering them monthly free giveaways or discounts on your new products. If you're consistent with giving them what they want, they will keep coming back for more. They might even tell their family and friends about it.

Final thoughts

Understanding how each group of social media users behave is important so that you're able to cater to their individual needs and they will, in turn, increase traffic to your page and strengthen your social influence.