Do you know how to properly hold a hamburger without everything in it falling out over all the place? Apparently, there is an "ideal" way to hold it.

Japanese television show Honma Dekka had three researchers on it. They are experts in the fields of fluid mechanics, engineering and dentistry and they came together to figure out the best way to hold and eat a large hamburger. The researchers apparently spent four months researching this.

First, they did a 3D scan of a hamburger, and tried to figure out how the particles interacted when you hold a large hamburger. They used the typical way of holding a burger - thumbs on bottom and fingers on top only to find that it resulted in pushing the contents of the burger out of the buns.

Something had to be done. They needed to find a better way.

So they recommend this: hold the burger uniformly.

If the burger is held uniformly, its contents shouldn't spill out of the burger's backside.

You also don't want to hold it too tight because the buns could be crushed and the contents could spill out too.