Imagine if your next cab ride was paid for by advertisers? Who wouldn't want to ride one then? Google ads are everywhere online, and a new patent filed this month could allow Google and local businesses to pair up in the real world. A free cab ride is one of them.

The patent details something Google calls "transportation-aware physical advertising conversions" which aims to get you to stores that you see advertised on or in cabs by paying your fare if you decide to shop there.

The cab mounted ads can be user-specific, and could suggest places to you based on your preferences and likes.

But not every cab sponsored ride will be free. There will be a real-time profit calculator allowing businesses to help out with your cab fare while not making a terrible loss from people like you and me only wanting to hitch a free ride.

Sounds like a cool idea, but would you like to be stalked in the real world just like how you already are online?

[Google, via CBROnline]