Here's an awful thought: How sure are you that doctors did not brand your organs with their initials during a surgery? The question is a valid one, because one British surgeon is in hot soup after being suspended for branding his initials on a patient's liver.

The surgeon reportedly works at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, and he used an argon plasma coagulation tool to sear his brand in a patient's liver. The tool is used to stop bleeding by burning tiny blood vessels shut with a beam of electrically charged argon gas.

So how was it discovered anyway? The signature was discovered by another doctor, who found the initials on the patient's organ during a different surgery. Did the surgeon brand other patients too?

The worst part of this is that, this is far from the first time a surgeon has done this. A few years ago, a doctor performing a hysterectomy branded the patient's name on her removed uterus, claiming it was "a friendly gesture." Another doctor carved his initials into a woman's abdomen after performing a C-section.

Lets hope you don't have someone else' initials. In your organs!  [BBC]