Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (simply Lupus or SLE) is an autoimmune disease that can affect the multiple systems of the body. This incapacitating and sometimes life-threatening disorder affects an estimated 5 million people globally and can involve the nervous system, internal organs, joints, and the skin. 

Like every other autoimmune condition, SLE is a disease of the immune system. Our immune system is responsible for keeping us safe from external organisms affecting our bodies like infections, toxins, allergens, and even food. If our immune system deems anything harmful, it will produce antibodies to ward off the dangerous intruders. 

Lupus or SLE occurs when the human body fails to successfully distinguish between foreign substances and itself. Mistaking your own cells and tissues for intruders, your body turns the antibodies against itself, inflicting havoc on and destroying the organs.    

Most of the autoimmune conditions affect a particular system. For example, multiple Sclerosis involves the brain and spinal cord, and Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the joints. 

SLE, on the other hand, affects more than one system at the same time. No matter what system or organ is being attacked, all autoimmune disease have one thing in common, they cause systemic inflammation leading our body to attack itself. 

Reversing the autoimmune conditions is not easy but rather than suppressing, if you support your immune system, it can easily be achieved. 

You can start by eliminating the symptoms. 

Signs and Symptoms of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Symptoms of SLE differ extensively and can range from minor to severe, sometimes, even life-threatening. SLE or lupus is notorious for mimicking other diseases as it affects multiple systems in our body and symptoms often come and go, or change entirely – giving it the name ‘The Great Imitator.’

The most common symptoms of SLE are:

Photosensitivity (sensitivity to light, specifically sunlight)
Water Retention (Edema) in the face, feet, and hands  
Ulcers in the mouth and nose
Hair loss 
Butterfly-shaped rashes across cheeks and nose 
Joint pain and swelling 
High fever 
Headaches that can turn into migraines 

How is SLE Diagnosed?

Experts at Yes Wellness say in most cases, SLE or lupus goes misdiagnosed because the symptoms are different and can match those of other conditions. In general, the doctor reviews the medical history of the patient as well as his/her family, and look for the signs of systemic inflammation. As SLE can involve both internal and external organs, the doctor will rely on laboratory testing and observation in order to make the condition’s diagnosis. There is no particular test for SLE and many different criteria will need to come together. And it may take up to a year or two or more to successfully reach a diagnosis.

Steps to Turn off The Autoimmune Process and Heal Naturally

#1 Repair your Gut 

Your gut health plays a crucial role in your immune system. Your gut is directly linked to your immune system and thus, repairing your gut is the first place to start in turning off the autoimmune process. In order to repair your gut, you should first:

Remove the factors that negatively affect the setting of the GI tract. This includes inflammatory foods like dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, and corn, as well as toxic foods like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar. Next, you will want to get rid of parasites and bacteria from your body. 
Replace the damaged with good. Add back the digestive enzymes like the good bacteria required for proper digestion.
Restore the beneficial bacteria in your body to reestablish a healthy microbial balance in your digestive tract. High-concentration, high-quality, probiotics can help repair and strengthen your gut and immune system.
Repair your gut by feeding it with nutrients. You can avail the help of leaky gut supplements that includes components like I-glutamine, marshmallow root, slippery elm, arabinogalactan, etc. to nourish and soothe your gut. Collagen is the most preferred and recommended health supplement for leaky gut. 

#2 Optimize your Diet 

It is necessary to optimize your diet in order to reverse lupus. For starters, remove gluten from your diet because it is an inflammatory food. Anyone with SLE or lupus are also advised to remove legumes and grains from their diet. 

#3 Find and Treat Infections 

Undergo tests for infections like EBV and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Coconut oil is effective in treating both EBV and HSV. 

#4 Test for Mycotoxins and Heavy Metals 

Doctors advise patients with SLE symptoms to get their MTHFR genes tested because symptoms can impact how you detoxify heavy metals like mercury. 

Final Words 

You should be working on stress relief because it can affect how your autoimmune condition acts up. Adopt stress-relieving strategies like art, yoga, meditation, exercise, swimming, whatever works for you. Moreover, avoid harsh medications to mask your symptoms.