If you take into consideration all the rooms of your house you’ll always find that a house simply doesn’t do well without a toilet. The necessity is beyond measure,  whether it is to compose oneself or the other obvious use which we can’t simply understate. Sometimes things don’t go as they’re supposed to and now you have a leaky running toilet. You can’t just step into a running toilet without it disturbing your peace of mind, or interrupting your most urgent needs. So, what does one do in such a situation? Ring up a plumber to come and fix your issues as soon as possible, right? That might not be a very quick solution unless you have a plumber near you ready to take this job. You’re gonna need to know how you can tackle the situation in order to save money on services and on water bills this leak is causing you. 

Check for leakages inside the water tank

To begin with, you will have to go through some very important procedures. Checking where the issue is will help you greatly. Sometimes the leak happens right inside the flush tank which can result in the loss of a lot of water making your water bills skyrocket. All this is happening right inside your tank when the overflow tube stops functioning as it should.  If this tube falls off there is no way to measure how much water is going through to the tank which results in the loss of water and the tank usually doesn’t fill up to the point where you get that satisfying flush. To fix this’ you simply take the lid off the tank and fix the position of the fill tube valve and make sure the water aims directly into it to get the best functionality.

Is the float maintaining its height inside the tank?

The next step requires you to check the float. The float is basically the floating device which adjusts the water level inside your flush tank. If the float becomes loose or drops then your flush tank won't fill up entirely for a proper flush, and if it is set too high water will keep filling in and the overflow valves won't shut off causing water to leak and wet the bathroom floor. To properly adjust this you must once again take the lid off then find the float, which is easy since it is a rather big air filled plastic container floating on the water. You can then locate the pin which locks the float to an adjusted water level marked on the inside. You must then take the pin off and relocate it to the actual level of water. Sometimes the float itself may become damaged and may need replacement, so simply Google “plumbers near me” and will come across a list of top plumbers in your area. Once you’ve ensured the water height, check for the next list of possibilities.

Reattach the flush handle with the flapper chain

Once the water level is in check and you’re still having water flow issues you have to look into the flush handle and flapper chain as these also can cause leaks at times. The chain linking the flapper may become too short, thus leaving the flapper a tad bit opened and it wouldn’t close entirely causing water to leak even after flush causing the fill valve to constantly keep pouring the water off and on. If it’s too short, the flush rod will hit the lid and won't allow all the water to flow causing the flapper to close too early. For this, you must find the chain and adjust its height accordingly. Assessing if the chain needs to be cut short or replaced entirely can be the key element to fix a running toilet. If unsure, check for plumbers closest to your location and request an inspection.


After making sure all these steps are properly looked at, you still get leaks and have to replace the flapper itself, which over time becomes worn out and can cause leaks. You will have to take that flapper out to the hardware store and find an exact one like it which suits the mechanism of your tank and then it’s a simple step on replacing the old flapper with a new one. Your leak problems would be solved without any plumber’s help.