There's a lot of stuff on TV, but some shows don't even make pass the second episode before getting cancelled.  Below are some of the worse that aired this year, some which weren’t even around long enough for you to know they existed.

5. “Welcome to the Family” (NBC) - Cancelled after 3 episodes

NBC’s attempt to recreate the success of ABC’s “Modern Family”, but instead came across as an “unfunny” show with “all the depth of a knock-knock joke.”  Despite getting cancelled, the show is still airing on STAR World India and Hulu.

4. “Low Winter Sun” (AMC) - Cancelled after 10 episodes

Hi-jacked the “Breaking Bad” bandwagon by airing reminders during the show. The plot was also supposed to sound like the Walter White series about a good family man who "broke bad."  The show even used actors from two of the network’s top shows — Gale from “Breaking Bad” and short-lived Morgan from “The Walking Dead” — to try to appeal to viewers.  Ratings dipped from 2.5 million viewers to 600,000 by episode 10.

3. “Ironside” (NBC)  - Cancelled after three episodes

It's no wonder critics tore apart this remake of the NBC series. The story takes place in the late '60s about a detective in a wheelchair. Everything about it was so cliched to the point where it got so bad it was nearly funny.  The show also came under scrutiny by many because the show didn't hire a disabled actor to play the titular role.

2. “We Are Men” (CBS) - Cancelled after two episodes

A comedy about three divorced guys and another one who got left at the altar. The Hollywood Reporter sums it up best: “‘We Are Men’ is about four single guys you wouldn't ever want to be around or be related to in any way … [it] made me feel stupid almost immediately and then bitter that I'd wasted the time.” 

1. “Lucky 7” (ABC)  - Cancelled after two episodes.

The premise followed seven gas station employees from Queens who won the lottery. Their winnings were supposed to dramatically change their lives forever... but mostly for the worse. Interestingly enough, the series was executive-produced in part by Steven Spielberg and was based on a British show "The Syndicate" currently going into its third season.

[Business Insider]