Love a drink or two, or more all the time? According to a recent study by the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions, they followed 634 married couples for nine years to prove that the notion that heavy drinking (defined as "six or more drinks at one time or drinking to intoxication") can bring on the divorce.
While the study's findings did
confirm this, here's the kicker. Couples in which one person was a heavy drinker were much likelier to divorce than other couples, with a 50% divorce rate. Couples with two heavy drinkers had a 30% divorce rate, as did couples with no heavy drinkers at all.
It seems mutual drinking habits created seemingly stable marriages. According to Kenneth Leonard, the author of the study:
"Our results indicate that it is the difference between the couple's drinking habits, rather than the drinking itself, that leads to marital dissatisfaction, separation and divorce."
A lack of common interest can doom a marriage. Can we substitute drinking for something else, for example playing video games? Will excess playing of video games by one partner lead to the same result?
Just a thought.