Here's one heck of a dubious study, but let's just humor ourselves with it. A new "study" from Brazil found that getting breast implants may improve a woman's sex life.
But like all dubious studies, there's always a caveat: women who developed stretch marks after receiving implants did not experience any improvement. They had to add a caveat.
The "study" followed more than a staggering number of 45 women, who planned to get implants. Researchers presented these twoscore and five ladies with a questionnaire that assessed their sexual desire, arousal and sexual satisfaction. They were then asked to retake the survey two, four, and eighteen months after surgery. According to
Health Day:
The 36 women who did not develop postsurgical stretch marks said they had experienced improved levels of arousal and were more satisfied with their sex lives, researchers said. They reported this improvement at both four and 18 months following surgery... Nine women with stretch marks following their plastic surgery did not report any improvement.
Implants are perfectly fine if you want them. But claiming that it makes your sex life da bomb? Stop lying now, Brazil!
Fox News]