All over the world there is an increasing trend among individuals to adopt a vegetarian diet. While some try this as a permanent switch, others stick to a vegetarian diet on particular days. There are multiple benefits as a result of a vegetarian diet, and many individuals are not aware of the standard benefits. This is mainly due to a lack ```of awareness about the benefits, and the myths that surround vegetarianism. Here is a quick look at the major benefits that accrue from a vegetarian diet, and also some of the common myths associated with vegetarianism. 

Vegetarian food is a good source of protein

Contrary to public perception that vegetarian food has limited protein content it is a fact that vegetables do contain 20% proteins on an average, while whole grains contain more than 12% of protein and fruits are also known to contain proteins. One among the more reputed websites, showcases the effects of a good vegetarian diet. The protein content in legumes is almost 30% which makes vegetarian food a good source of protein, in addition to being one of the most healthiest diets. Therefore individuals who choose non vegetarian food for protein content can now look at which vegetarian food also for protein content. 
Eliminating risk of health problems as a result of excessive animal protein consumption

It is a known fact that excessive consumption of animal protein results in health problems. While there are laid down recommendations for the amount of protein that needs to be taken by an individual, dietary practices often result in excessive consumption. For instance an adult who is involved in sporting activity is generally advised to consume around one gram of protein per kg of body weight. However as a result of dietary preferences, individuals often end up consuming more than this everyday. This creates a burden on the kidney due to animal protein consumption. 
Outstanding benefits of vegetarian diet

There are many benefits from a vegetarian diet and statistics prove that destinations generally consume more protein than other nations. For instance, in china meat accounts for around 10% of the protein consumption in routine types. Whereas, in the case of the US meat accounts for 70 percent of the protein in diets. This has been identified as one are the main reasons for higher incidence of diseases. The staggering cost towards healthcare in the us, can actually be reduced by as much as 30 billion dollars every single year if meat consumption is reduced or eliminated. Many diseases such as heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, gallstones, and hypertension have been identified as having strong links to meat consumption or over consumption. 

It is therefore healthier to consume vegetarian diets, which have been proven to result in lowering of cholesterol levels. Vegetables and fruits are easy on the digestive system and help the body to easily expel the waste after healthy digestion. This is not the case with non vegetarian foods which create weaker digestive systems. One of the biggest advantages of vegetarian diets are the lower saturated fat content when compared with meat.