Up to now, your basement has been essentially a catchall for everything that won’t fit elsewhere. Isn’t it time to convert it into functional space? You’ll find that Penguin Basements in Toronto makes it easy to renovate a basement for all sorts of functions. Whatever you have in mind, these six tips will help the project move forward a little smoother. 

Check the Structural Integrity First

The basement may seem to be fine, but it’s important to determine if there are any structural issues to resolve before you commence with any Ajax basement renovation. Your goal is to ensure the masonry and any wooden sections and ceiling support beams are in prime condition. If there are any problems that need addressed, have a contractor determine what to do and how quickly the work can be done.

Take Care of the Electrical Work

Once you know the basement is structurally sound, it’s time to address things like where to run wiring, placement of electrical outlets and switches, and what sort of overhead lighting you want. You’ll find that the experts with Penguin basements in Toronto can provide some ideas about how to structure the basement’s electrical system based on how you plan on using the space.

For example, you may plan on converting the space into a family room with a small kitchenette along one wall. The contractor will recommend a wiring plan that takes into account the need to operate major appliances as well as a series of outlets that will power smaller ones. Elsewhere in the space, there will be the need for overhead lighting, outlets for the television and other related equipment, and even outlets for lamps or to charge devices while the family enjoys a movie.

Plumbing is Next

With the wiring plan under control, turn your attention to the plumbing. Whether the plan is to include a kitchen or possibly add a private bath for a basement guest suite, that means running water lines and make sure they terminate in the perfect spots. You can bet that a contractor who has experience with more than one Ajax basement renovation will have some ideas on how to ensure the plumbing is efficient and does not negatively impact the water pressure throughout the home.

Time to Coat the Walls

With the plumbing and wiring addressed, now you want to coat the walls to ensure moisture does not seep into the space. Even if the plan is to cover the masonry with paneling, you still want the walls properly sealed. Doing so does more than prevent moisture from collecting in the space; it also minimizes the potential for mold. The professionals at Penguin basements in Toronto can recommend products that will work well with the type of masonry used in your basement.

Take Care of the Floor Next

The floor also needs to be coated and sealed, but there may be the need to take care of a couple of other tasks first. Do you plan on staining the concrete and then sealing it? If so, make sure the surface is smoothed and cleaned before you apply the stain. Once it’s in place and you are happy with the colour, the protective coating can be applied. Along with preventing moisture seepage, the coating will keep the colour true and ensure the floor is easy to keep clean.

Install Cabinetry Shelving and Other Permanent Elements

Before you bring any furnishings into the space, think about any permanent elements you want to add, that includes shelving that’s anchored to the walls, shelving that may float on one or more walls, and even cabinetry and countertops. If the space includes a bathroom, you want the lavatory, toilet, and shower in place before bringing any furniture into the main section. Once the last of the permanent elements are in place, furnish the renovated basement and start enjoying it.

Remember that hiring the right contractor means access to someone who understands how to logically schedule all the steps required to manage an Ajax basement renovation. Choose wisely and you’ll find that the transformation is completed a lot sooner than you thought possible.

Penguin Basements Renovations (Basement Contractors)
906 Magnetic Dr North York ON M3J 2C4 Canada 416-633-7180