A lot of the time, it can be tough to find a versatile, informative article on remodelling. Usually when I go looking, all I come across is niche posts, focussing on one tiny area of the home. Obviously it’s good to have posts which go into detail, but it’s not exactly convenient when you need to do a series of different searches. To help you to get around the issue, I’ve written a feature which covers a few rooms. If you’re remodelling your bathroom, living room, or your entire house, I’m sure you’ll find some valuable tips here.

Source: Wikimedia
First off, the bedroom. The entire home should be your personal sanctuary, true. However, if there’s one room which should be fine-tuned to your tastes, then it’s your bedroom. The first tip I can offer for your bedroom is to have a massive purge at the start. A lot of old stuff tends to accumulate in the bedrooms of a house, and when you throw out a lot of it you’ll have much more space to think and plan. If you don’t have the time or money for a full-scale remodelling, at least start with the paint.

A fresh coat on the walls can do incredible things for the character of any room. Whatever kind of mood you’re going for in your room, make sure the paint reflects that mood. You might want to go with some deep purples and blues for a cosy, warm feeling. Perhaps you do more than sleep in your bedroom, and don’t want a paint scheme that’s too soothing. Using whites and greys will give the whole place a more modern and open feel.

When you’ve chosen the paint scheme, start looking at window coverings. This decision will be much easier now that you have a base colour plan. Aside from the colour of the walls, the curtains you choose are probably the most important factor in the feel of a room. These can be expensive, so make sure you take your time shopping around. Once you choose a shade and pattern that works, you’ll have some great inspiration for the finishing touches to your bedroom. I advise getting some art which goes well with the character you’re forming for the room. Perhaps a classic bronze sculpture for a dark room, or a minimalist canvas for a more modern one.

Source: Flickr
Next, your bathroom. Although the bathroom is more for necessity than leisure, there are many things which you can do to make it more comfortable. We’ll start off with a practical tip; don’t make the toilet the first thing you see when you open the door. Sure, it doesn’t have a huge effect on how you use the room. But, if the door is left wide open your guests are going to be glancing in at a fairly unpleasant feature! Another important tip is to decide on the feel you’re going for before any work gets done. This is mainly due to the vintage tiles which may already be up. If you’re going for a vintage look, and already have these on a wall, then you’re in luck! Removing these kinds of tiles, especially on older homes, can cost a small fortune.

Some tiles are mounted on a thick layer of concrete, or wire lath. If you choose to remove all of them, you could stack up some pretty significant labour costs. Making sure your bathroom is well lit will do a lot for the overall feel of the room. Check out these bathroom renovations from Lavare for inspiration. Instead of having a single, overhead lamp, you might want to go for one or two wall-mounted lamps. Provided you have a fairly large mirror, this will give you more than enough light for everything you’ll be doing in the bathroom. With practical features, take your time deciding on what you want. You might want something you’ve never had in your bathroom before, such as a corner sink or claw foot bathtub.

Source: Pixabay
Finally, the living room. This area is where you’ll be entertaining most of your guests to your home. For that reason, you may be more or less concerned about how you remodel it. Just like the bedroom, a lot of living room remodelling is in the colour scheme. Choose shades which are intense or relaxed, warm or cool, in order to create the feeling you’re going for. Like most people, you’ll probably want to be more elaborate with the living room, seen as it’s a communal space. Go for it then! The flooring of the living room should serve a both aesthetic and practical function. This is where people come to sit back and relax.

You should either carpet the whole room, or cover a large part of hard wood with a rug. A focal point can also make a living room much more pleasant to be in. If you’ve got an older place, you may already have a focal point in the form of a fireplace. If you’re planning to buy a new suite, then arrange all the furniture to encourage conversation. A lot of people believe we’re too hooked on tech and TV, so you might want to make your living room more organic for social interaction.

Of course, you’re not going to give up on screens completely! If you haven’t already, I recommend trying a wall-mounted TV. These provide a little more space on the ground, making for an overall more open feel. Wherever you can, fit in art which will reflect your entire household. The living room is the heart of the home, treat it as such!
Follow my tips, and you’ll find your remodelling tasks to be much less of an ordeal. Whatever feel you’re going for, there are all kinds of remodelling and redecorating resources out there. You may not get it right straight away, but the more you toy with ideas the more you’ll learn about interior design. Take your time on every little decision, and consider a lot of different options before settling.