You can just tell from Kanye West's face that he's excited to get hitched to Kim Kardashian. If that isn't enthusiasm, then I don't know what is! Here are a couple of pictures showing what's probably going through his mind and just how incredibly happy, excited and enthused he is about starring in a reality TV show for life.

1. I hate being in a reality show

2. But damn, that ass... that ass...

3. I guess I'll just play along. Damnit, can't seem to smile.

4. This is my enthusiastic face.

5. Sad Kanye meme.

6. Off to spend a couple hundred Gs on this wedding again. Sigh.

7. Seriously, I am smiling.

8. Ray J, 2014 is better than 2007.

9. Clap along, if you feel like a room without a roof

10. Bey, why you no approve? :(