It feels likes everyday, there's a new invention being introduced to the masses, thus leaving a mountain of mechanical waste in their wake. Here are just a few of the predictions of products that will probably be gone by the end of the decade:

Credit Cards

You'd be surprised to learn how many European countries have started to abandon magnetic strips in favor of microchips in cards and smartphone scans at the register. And let's not forget about digital wallets like Wocket and Coin, which enable you to combine all of your cards into one easy-to-use and widely compatible card.

Low-End Digital Cameras
Most smartphones and tablets can snap a pretty decent picture without sacrificing the quality of their other features. So unless you plan on selling your photos or starting a photography business, you probably wouldn't need a digital camera.


Many tablets and smartphones today come with built-in e-book reading programs. So the only real benefits of purchasing a specific e-reading device is if you are a voracious reader (who also just happens to hate lugging around all your books).

Feature Phones

Feature phones are renowned for their longer battery life, simpler designs, and cost efficiency. This keep them in demand for many people just trying to streamline their life or keep a cell phone as a house phone. However, recent releases in technology are constantly improving the use of smartphones, making them an increasingly easier, less expensive, and more attractive choice.

Given that more children are now growing up in home phone-less homes, the likelihood of the next generation using a cell phone or some other internet-based calling feature as their only mode of vocal communication at home is pretty high.

Video Game Consoles

Video game consoles of the past used to be focused on just gaming., until games for smartphone, tablet, and the PC have started to occupy the market. This forced gaming consoles companies to conform by including add-ons like search engines, movies, and even social media.  And with streaming becoming increasingly popular, many companies like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo will shift their focus on running games streaming services instead of offering dedicated consoles.

Standalone GPS Devices

With apps like WAZE, there's really no point of buying such devices. On top of that, many of today's modern cars are increasingly being manufactured with a GPS built right in the dashboard.

CDs And DVDs

The popularity of digital downloads and movie streaming has taken an obvious toll on this market. And with the demise of CDs and DVDs will come the extinction of their players.