They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of these images below, it is "silence that speaks louder than words." Below are examples of moments in history when peaceful gestures made by people believing in a cause spoke so much louder than words.

Istanbul, Turkey, 2013: Turkish protesters help a dog who was teargassed during a clash with police.

Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013: Protester attempts to reason with riot police

Cairo, Egypt, 2011: Christians protect Muslims as they pray during the revolution

Bangkok, Thailand, 2013: Anti-government protester offers a rose to a soldier

Istanbul, Turkey, 2013: Protesters throw flowers at a protest

Egypt, 2013: Woman defends wounded protester from a military bulldozer.

Kiev, Ukraine, 2014: Orthodox priest trying to prevent a clash between demonstrators and the police

Vancouver, Canada, 2011: Kissing couple during the riots.

Kiev, Ukraine, 2013: Man plays piano solo for riot police

Toronto, Canada, 2010: Protesters dressed as clowns entertain guards at a G20 meeting

Ankara, Turkey, 2013:  Riot police help a woman affected by tear gas.

Kiev, Ukraine, 2013: Demonstrators line up with mirrors to show law enforcement their reflections

Bogotá, Colombia, 2011: Student protesting education reform hugs a policeman

Georgia, USA, 1992: Young KKK member sees his reflection in a riot shield held by a Georgia state trooper.

Egypt, 2011: An Egyptian woman kisses a policeman during the revolution against the Mubarak Government

Cairo, Egypt, 2011: Egyptians thank army soldiers after they refuse orders to fire on civilians

Bogotá, Colombia, 2011: A student protesting education reform leans in to kiss a riot officer

Bucharest, Romania, 2012: Young boy offers a heart-shaped balloon to police