If you've been waiting for action figurines of the characters from Game of Thrones to hit the market, your wish has come true!

Barnes and Noble is selling these well-articulated, sculpted, 6-inch action figures now, but they'll be out everywhere else on February 15th. We're not sure if they'll be available globally or only in America, but you can try your luck looking for it anyway.

The GOT figures are from Funko, and not the retro 3 3/4-inch Re:Action line. The Funko ones were sculpted by the same guys doing the 6-inch Star Wars Black line for Hasbro. The first wave includes Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Daenerys, the Hound and a White Walker:

Funko had given these figurines a hard release date of February 15, but apparently some Barnes & Noble stores accidentally put them out early. So if you don't see them, don't panic - just wait a few more days.

[ToyArk, PoeGhostal]