The "real" and "normal looking" people you see in ads are mostly made up of really attractive people. But marketers know that being superhot doesn't resonate with everyone, so they go through a lot of trouble to make them look as normal looking as possible!
The blog "
Who is that hot ad girl?" is devoted to digging up the real identities of actresses in commercials. Can you identify everyone of them? Here are a few:
Fernanda Romero is too pretty for a McDonald's commercial, but a big shirt over a swimsuit and messy hair make her very average looking:
Alisa Allapach is the Best Buy clerk in a recent holiday ad. But really, if only all Best Buy clerks looked like this. She also starred in the Hangover.
Mercedes Cornett was made to look rigid we think in a "professional look" for a Lincoln car commercial. Compare the pic on the right:
Rachel Adams is a cute hipster in a 5-Hour Energy ad aimed at women:
Watch the ad:
Milana Vayntrub is just your average cute girlfriend in a Buffalo Wild Wings ad. Or is she?
Watch the ad:
Hannah Levien will make every geek go crazy. Why? Because she speaks Elvish. Here she is in Denny's "The Hobbit" cross promotional ad.
Watch the ad:
Nadine Heimann is your everyday dog lover in a Pronyl tick/flea repellent commercial. She's an actress and model and appeared in a popular Katy Perry and Timabaland music video:
Watch the ad:
And then the music video:
Jessiqa Pace had to look normal for this Infiniti ad, otherwise she'd be the danger on the road no one can prevent:
Watch the ad:
Jessica Leccia appears in a Kit Kat commercial as a typical mom, and if only typical moms looked more like this more often.