There are numerous cryptocurrency exchanges out on the web today, and while many have been somewhat successful, almost all of them had some failures and setbacks to using them. However, there are a select few that despite any problems they may have faced, they can come out on top, including old ones we’ve all heard of, and the new ones of today (the newest of course, and our number one pick, hasn’t had any issues yet and is emerging soon to be the best of the best when it comes to cryptocurrency exchanges). 

In this list, we’ll bring you the top 5 cryptocurrency exchanges on the market today.

1. Rubix – Think of this awesome innovative blockchain exchange like a mass delivery of all the popular cryptocurrencies, except they can actually be linked to your social media accounts. This will allow full integration of things like your Facebook to use your blockchain as a way to buy, purchase, and trade on social media legally, which is something that has been a very shady topic in the past, and has led to many questions.

By providing a secure social media platform of trading, your options are literally limitless. Find more on their website,

2. Bittrex – Bittrex has been a major provider in the crypto-market, and it is based actually in the USA, which makes it very popular for those in the U.S. who are trying to trade on this side of the States. Why? Because aside from what you’ll be able to accomplish with Rubix, bitcoin, and many other crypto exchanges have been limited to overseas and America has made it very hard for Americans to successfully buy, sell, and trade bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, so having one based here in America is very important.

3. Coinbase – Despite having a past class-action lawsuit brought on against many “youtubers” who were paying precious cryptocurrencies, only to end up getting screwed by scammers, Coinbase is still one of the most prominent and promising cryptocurrency companies based on the west coast here in the United States. 

4. Kraken – Kraken turns out to be more than just a really tasty rum. In the cryptocurrency exchange market, it’s one of the best British ways to exchange between market shares of all different currencies, including but not limited to popular cryptocurrency.

5. Binance – Binance was one of the grand-daddies of the cryptocurrency market and was actually built by a programmer who actually coded systems in the Japanese stock exchange, and even made some futures trading applications for Bloomberg. It is a great way to exchanging coin-to-coin cryptocurrency (or coin to alt-coin). The only downside is that it is a strictly coin-based (and not a USD or regular currency) exchange, and is strictly for cryptocurrency like Bitcoin instead.

Our Take
By far, having the freedom to complete trades over social media brings the ultimate feeling of flexibility back to the cryptocurrency exchange, but keeping it secure is very important. It’s also important that you are responsible when it comes to trading, so remember that everything you can do can lead to serious consequences and a loss of all of your liquid cryptocurrency assets if you aren’t careful. Be careful, and use a platform like Rubix and you’ll be safeguarded for so much, and even be able to trade bitcoin with “yourself” and other friends, family, and loved ones on social media.