Does CBD show up on a drug test? If you're taking a drug test soon, you may feel worried about testing positive for THC from taking CBD. Here's what to know.

Did you know that hemp-derived CBD is a $452 million industry? That's not surprising when you consider that it's legal in all 50 states! The law has decided that its medicinal qualities are worth legalization. 

This is specific to CBD derived from hemp. But even marijuana-derived CBD is legal in 46 states. Of course, the two come from the same family, but are still very different.

CBD, the non-psychoactive component, has a slew of mental and physical health benefits. Because of this, it's rising in popularity and normality. No longer is the stigma against THC enough to prevent this product's use!

But, does CBD show up on a drug test? Are you in danger of losing a job because of CBD use? Should you feel concerned with liability? 

Keep reading to find out the truth.

Some Factors to Consider
When it comes to drug tests, what are you really getting testing for? The answer, whether a 5- or 10-panel drug test, includes THC. But CBD, a separate entity, is not included on your standard drug test.

Since CBD doesn't get its users high, it's not an indication of impairment. Rather, it's considered a medical issue, something that employers leave private. In fact, there is no requirement for private employers to have a drug-free workplace.

Unlike marijuana, CBD contains 0.3% or less of THC. Some even contain 0% THC.

But, keep in mind that ingesting higher quantities could build up and reveal trace amounts of THC. This could result in a false-positive.

Leafly put out a statement about individuals who use more than 1,000-2,000 mg of hemp oil per day. If that sounds like your consumption level, view here its potential repercussions. 

This is a hard scale to tip, though. In drug testing, the federal limit for THC is 50 nanograms of THC metabolites per millimeter of urine. Those who stick to the recommended CBD daily doses would find it hard to test positive for marijuana.

But keep in mind that not all CBD manufacturers are trustworthy. Some labels may advertise inaccurate THC levels. For a better guarantee that labels are accurate, only buy from reputable sources.

So, Does CBD Show up on a Drug Test?
In short, the answer is "no."

The standard drug test doesn't even go after CBD, but rather, its cousin THC. But, there are some factors which could alter results. This could be anything from untrustworthy manufacturers to a higher quantity.

This will be on a person-to-person basis.

Not all drug tests are the same, though. Let's say you are undergoing surgery soon. Or maybe your doctor wants to test you for compatibility of a new prescription drug.

Medical professionals may test for CBD in addition to THC. This helps determine how different substances interact in your system, such as anesthesia.

In situations such as this, be sure to be as honest as possible. Let your doctor know what CBD products you are taking and the dosage amounts. Your risk of facing legal trouble is low - this depends on your state.

The use of CBD products is becoming less of a stigma and more like the norm. A 2018 study of 2,409 users in Oregon determines that 62% of respondents use the product for medical reasons. This can be anything from pain and anxiety to debilitating depression.

Does CBD show up on a drug test? It's safe to say that this is highly unlikely. But, allow this guide to inform you of safe doses and your state's legality. 

Do you want more resources on how to be an advocate for this complex and awesome product? Check out the activism section of our blog!