Riding the ways gives an adrenaline rush. The sheer thrill, adventure, and fun make people admire this art and sport. A lot of people, although have scummed injuries while trying to outdo the might of nature. But that is something you should not do when you are trying to learn to surf.

Every year thousands of people, tourist visit the seas to try their surfing skills and enjoy their vacation. 

There are those who enjoy surfing so much that they travel places to explore the waters and ride the waves. While water surfing is a sport that is organized across the globe in various countries. It so attracts the attention of witnesses, that many inspired to do the same. 

So, if you are one of those who dream to go out and kill some waves, well, here is some excellent news for you. 

You can now quickly learn how to surf without much ado. But this is not for those who do not know anything about surfing. Remember water can be dangerous, so exercise discretion and your potential to do so. 

There are people of all ages and even kids that take up surf classes to learn how to surf. But you can do it yourself if you have a love of waters gushing down your veins. Even those beginners know the feel of water swiftly flowing down their feet carrying them with it. So what’re you waiting for, let’s learn to surf the waters? 

1.    While learning to surf you must imagine a line that is straight in direction you surf.  It would be better than you make a mark just right in the middle of your board. That’s what most beginners do because you need to stand straight right in the middle of the board and then keep your body still parallel to that mark. It would allow you to focus your attention and allow you to maintain body balance. 

2.    Placing your toes on the tail of the surfboard is the next step you must master. This is important while you are lying down on the board. If your toes are not positioned on the tail of the board there are a high chances that you will nosedive into the waters without even able to defend yourself. Also if your surfboard is short you can have water hitting your face and entering your nasal passage. Now that’s something you need to avoid. Adjust your body according to board size. 

3.    Focus on paddling from early start. Do not wait for the wave to come to you because at it will reach out it will grow. Most beginners make this mistake. Start paddling till you reach the water that’s at your elbow height. It gives you and your board momentum to catch the wave.

4.    Now push up and stand as you reach the wave. Take note that you cannot wait or hesitate while standing up else the tide will come crushing over you. It has to be a perfect timing. Just coordinate with your speed of paddling to that of reaching out to the upcoming wave and pre-decide the moment where you must get up and stand to surf. 

Well, these are the basics you must know. Keep practicing, and you will learn to surf. You can check out video tutorials on how to learn to surf for more information.