Regardless of the size and material of cooler or whether you are using coolers for beach or some other purpose, it is important to clean it after using it each and every time. Especially when food and drinks are stored for a long time, it becomes essentially important to remove unpleasant odors and eliminate mold and mildew development. 

It is better if the cooler is cleaned as soon as possible or the smell will then persist forever. However, there are certain things that are needed to ensure a clean cooler. Here is a list of items that would be in need:

● Soap and water,
● Dish detergent,
● Real lemons, avoid artificial ones, 
● Bleach that is color safe,
● Vanilla extract, however it is optional.

It is important to clean the cooler before using it for the first time since it can have factory chemicals and dust on it that can be harmful to your health. Nevertheless, use a liquid detergent that is suitable for hand-washing the dishes. It is preferable to look out for potential allergies. 

Once done, wipe out the inside and outside of bucket with a soapy water. Rinse it properly and keep the lid open and make sure you dry it using a towel. Paper towels are not preferable since they are not effective in drying it properly. Make sure the drain is open letting the water out. This is also important to ensure that mold and mildew doesn’t grow as a result of wet environment. 

Sometimes the coolers develop unpleasant odors that can be removed by putting in a vinegar and wiping it off with a cloth towel. The smell of vinegar will replace the unpleasant odor and the smell of vinegar will go away shortly as well. If the bad odors still remains persistent, then rub lemons inside. Make sure you remove the seeds before rubbing as it can cause scratches on the material of cooler. The best thing is to dry the cooler in sunshine for a short time. 

In order to remain stubborn stains, here are the items that will be needed:

● Sponge
● Baking soda
● Bleach
● Old toothbrush

First of all, rinse the cooler with liquid dishwashing soap. Use sponge to get rid of all remainders of food and drink in the cooler. Toothbrush can be used to remove gunk. Rinse the cooler but do not dry it right now. 

Sprinkle the box of baking soda inside cooler. Let the baking soda rest inside for almost an hour. Use a rag to rinse the cooler and remove all the baking soda until the water is clear. Use a cloth towel to make it dry. 

The bottom line

It is important to clean the coolers as soon as possible after its usage or the odor and stains will stick right to it. This will not only make it unusable but it is unhygienic to do so. Rather, follow the steps above and get rid of all the stains and odors in an effective manner.