Scotland boasts some of the most jaw-dropping scenery in the world, from the magical hills of the Highlands to the rustic charm of the Borders. And that’s why it’s a popular destination for a variety of travellers all year round. 

So whether you’re driving or walking around Scotland, we’ve included three of the most naturally beautiful places to visit. But it goes without saying that there are plenty more you’ll stumble across along the way, too! 

1. The Fairy Pools 
Located on the Isle of Skye, the Fairy Pools are, as the name suggests, quite mystical. What surprises most is how this phenomenon is completely natural, with the waterfalls filling the rocks that have been carved out over thousands of years. What lies beneath the green and blue pools is still a bit of a mystery, though, which is what adds to the intrigue that surrounds this location. 

The pools are surrounded by many tales, including the fairies that have given them their name. However, today, they’re hugely popular with wild swimmers – but don’t be fooled by their tropical blue colour, as the temperature of these pools rarely gets into double figures – even during the summer months. 
2. St Kilda 
Also referred to as ‘the island on the edge of the world’ this stunning location is steeped in history. In 1930, St Kilda was abandoned by its 36 residents and remained deserted until 1957 when it became a military base. However, despite these newfound residents, the island is still largely uninhabited, which means you can explore the homes that were abandoned nearly 90 years ago. 

Not only is St Kilda a great place to explore Scotland’s history, but it’s also the place to find a variety of rare plant, animal and bird species. 

3. Loch Ness
No trip to Scotland would be complete without a visit to Loch Ness, particularly as this loch is home to the legendary mythical creature – the Loch Ness Monster. Every year, thousands of tourists flock here to try and find the Monster but are often distracted by all of the other stunning things that lie along the loch’s shoreline. 

Loch Ness is surrounded by villages, mountains and the ruin of Urquhart Castle, with sweeping views of the loch around every corner. There’s also the chance you might catch a glimpse of Nessie, which is why it’s always worth stopping off here – just in case!

Other highlights include Glencoe, Finnich Glen, Fingal’s Cave and Grey Mare’s Tail – but wherever you choose to go in Scotland, you’re sure to find something that takes your breath away and leaves you wanting more.