Becoming a professional singer or band is a dream shared by millions of aspirational musicians. However, the common belief is that it’s virtually impossible to make those dreams a reality without the help of a manager. But in 2016, that just simply isn’t true.


Of course, having a quality manager and PR team will give any musician a serious boost. However, advancements in technology and communication mean that bands and singers no longer need to wait in hope.

Let’s face it; finding the right representation could take years. By the time it happens, the ship may have sailed on the hopes of any real success. Like any other industry, the modern world allows for passionate stars to achieve success. Here’s how:

Record Great Songs

First and foremost, great music needs to be at the heart of any artist’s ventures. Without that, the other features will be rendered redundant. Of course, the first step is to practice. Once happy with the quality, it’s worth paying the money for a studio hire. Let’s face it; nobody is going to be taken seriously without professional sounding output.

Without a manager, artists will often want to keep expenses down wherever possible. Music production students are a great way to increase the result without needing to spend big money. The producer gains the experience of working to a brief, which could help them get spotted. Meanwhile, the band or artists gets a better track. As with any form of business, building positive relationships can be key.


In truth, an artist will need original songs to thrive. Subsequently, this should form the bulk of any professionally recorded session. On the other hand, cover songs can be an ideal way to introduce fans to the music before pushing unique content. Acquiring the legal rights to produce a cover has never been easier either. So there’s no excuse to miss out.

The thought of being rich and famous may motivate an artist. But it’s the love of music that truly drives a band of singer forward. Even if the music never earns big money, the experience of creating great music should be the pinnacle.


Arguably the hardest challenge for an unsigned band is to get noticed. However, bands like the Arctic Monkeys were able to build their success largely from the online audience. Over a decade later, the internet poses even greater opportunities.

Social media streams like Twitter and Facebook are a great way to interact with fans. Meanwhile, a video blog on YouTube can help build excitement. Whether it’s providing diary updates or playing acoustic versions of songs doesn’t matter. Establishing a stronger connection and greater familiarity can only result in positive outcomes.


In some cases, selling merchandise through a website can be very beneficial too. Not only can it earn extra money, but it helps spread the name. Once fans start actively promoting the news to friends and relatives, success can snowball.

However, great music is still required to build that fanbase. Producing a CD is one thing. But DVD duplication allows an artist to create stunning products for fans that include visual content too. Whether it includes backstage footage, interviews, or live performances doesn’t matter. This can establish an even better connection with the fanbase, especially when the packaging looks special. In turn, that can only boost the chances of long-term success.

Book Gigs

As mentioned, a lot of artists love the by-products of success. Attending celebrity events, being adored by millions, and earning huge sums of money are all major factors. Nonetheless, playing music is the number one goal. More importantly, it’s the element that defines a musician.

Bands and singers don’t need managers to book gigs. Contacting promoters is easy. A quick google search of local venues will bring up all the necessary information in a matter of seconds. As long as the artist knows how to handle those calls and emails, there’s no reason that those gigs can’t be booked.


Gigs aren’t just a great outlet to help artists perfect their craft. It can be the perfect way to diversify the fan base too, especially when playing at festivals. Meanwhile, bands and singers can use this opportunity to sell CDs and DVDs too. Alternatively, they can be given away as a freebie with t-shirts and other merchandise. Offering to sign those items and meet fans can go a long way to gaining long-term loyalty too.

And once an audience is buying into the artist’s music and personality, success is guaranteed. With or without a manager.