The odds of winning the lottery is indeed low. But you never know how lucky you might get. Here's the very odd story of a two very different people - one who followed through with it, and one who chickened out. It was the bet of whether Leicester City would win the English Premiere League.

First up is Tom Hanks. He claims to have put £100 on Leicester to win the Premier League. It was a tough bet because the odds of Leicester City to win, were 5000 - 1 in August 2015.

Now, to everyone's surprise, Leicester has stormed out to be the most unexpected team to ever lift the cup. Funnily enough, Hanks himself is an Aston Villa fan. He put 100 quid on Leicester at the beginning of the season and will now walk away 500k richer because of it.

Another guy, on the other hand, would probably have regretted his decision to cash out of the bet. The punter, cashed out of a 50 pence bet, which would have earned him a cool £2,500, now being dubbed as one of the "worst cash out decisions in history." Why would anyone not leave a 50p bet alone?

All things considered, this guy sounds like a pretty lucky chap. Perhaps the next time round, he could be luckier by buying lottery tickets online using theLotter's services. And if he does, he should probably not default on them!

The Foxes winning the premier league has made a ton of people rich, from fans to just normal punters. In the beginning of the season, Leicester's odds have plunged going from 5000-1 in August 2015, down to 7-1 in February 2016. They only had a 0.02 percent chance of winning the league, and is being dubbed as “the greatest ever sporting upset.”

Considering they don’t have the financial muscle compared to the likes of the usual top teams, and that they were even the favorite to be considered for relegation, it just goes to show that sometimes, that small bet could have paid off.

As for Tom Hanks and his cool 500k, we’re guessing that’s chump change for him considering he’s worth an estimated $350 million. Maybe he’ll put in a larger bet for the next season?