Sex scenes in movies may not look that awkward or not at all because they've been rehearsed well enough. But that's not to say there wasn't any awkwardness in the air between the cast. Here are some of those moments.

Ryan Reynolds and Olivia Wilde (The Change-Up)

For her sex scene with Ryan Reynolds, Olivia Wilde decided to put her own twist on the tradition, drawing “adorable little smiley faces on them.” How did Ryan react? He says, “I forgot every line in the scene and every movie I’ve ever done.”

Anna Paquin and Joe Manganiello (True Blood)

Things got awkward when Stephen Moyer (who played Bill Compton) not only watched his wife Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse) film the scene, he directed it. “There are moment where I’ll be watching on a monitor and say, ‘Oh, Joe, just move your hand up towards Anna’s breast. Good. And can you move your right thumb just a little bit? Great.’ And then I’ll go, ‘Babe, babe, enjoy it.’ ‘Darling, go for it.’”

Emilia Clarke and Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones)

Momoa goofed around a bit with his private parts. Instead of using the normal modesty sock to cover up, he chose a fluffy pink sock, which sent Clarke into a hysterical fit of the giggles. She said, “It’s huge, and it’s pink, and I don’t know what to do.”

Robert Pattinson and Julianne Moore (Maps to the Stars)

While filming a sex scene with Julianne Moore, sweat started pouring out of him profusely. He says, “I sweat like a fucking crazy person. And I was literally trying to catch drops of sweat to stop them hitting her back. Afterwards she was like ‘Are you having a panic attack?’ It was so embarrassing.”

Christopher Mintz (Superbad)

Since he was underage while playing McLovin, his mother had to be on set… the entire time. He told GQ, “It was because I was 17. Stupid law. I was just sitting there with my bors on, waiting for my mom to drive down to the set. She got there, and I had to fake sexual intercourse in front of her.” There are some things that mothers should just really never see, you know?

Lizzy Caplan and Ryan Kwanten (True Blood)

Caplan downed a shit-ton of Grey Goose beforehand. She says, “It was like 7 am and I was chugging vodka completely naked while a make-up artist I had just met was on her knees in front of me sponging on my ass.” After the scene was over, the booze really kicked in and Caplan started pointing out which crew members pitched a tent.

Lizzy Caplan and Michael Sheen (Masters of Sex)

Even though she considered Sheen a friend, she was still nervous about the shoot. She says his hands were very clammy and shaky, and that made her feel better. Sheen rushed to a trash can and puked after the scene. Turns out, he had just gotten food poisoning.

Gucci Mane (Spring Breakers)

During the middle of filming, the director says Gucci Mane fell asleep. The rapper swears it was because of his intense touring schedule, but others say it was due to the ridiculous amount of weed he’d smoked that day.

Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal (Love and Other Drugs)

Hathaway jumped the gun during rehearsal and revealed a lot more than she wanted to. She says, “I have to remove my trench coat and be nude underneath. I thought we were filming, but it turned out we were just rehearsing and I got unnecessarily naked in front of a lot of people.”

Kristen Schaal and Will Forte (Last Man on Earth)

Schaal did the unthinkable and… farted on Will Forte. She says she was trying to hold it in, but it got out, and Forte cracked. What happened next? The same thing, again and again. She says, “If you fart on your scene partner it’s the most intimate you can get.”

Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street)

Robbie recalls filiming with him and said, “We were positioned while they lit around us in one scene, and I kind of pushed Leo’s head to one side and told him he was in my light and he moved out of it. He was so incredulous that I had told him to get out of my light, and physically moved him out of the way, he was like, ‘Did you really just do that?’ I don’t think anyone has told him to get out of their light in quite some time.”

Rebel Wilson and Anthony Mackie (Pain & Gain)

Director Michael Bay wasn’t happy with the sex scene Wilson and Mackie were filiming, so Wilson whipped out some nunchucks that she just “happened” to have on her, to really get things going.