We all have that image of Santa in our heads. The overweight man with an epic beard, who goes around impossibly fitting himself in chimneys and bringing us presents. Despite that, it's still hard to get Santa right. Here are some 16 hilarious, or maybe even horrifying pictures of different kinds of Santas.

1. Omg, this is not Santa. Right?

2. Looks like a serial-killer Santa

3. Face-beard Santa

4. Santa's goth family.

5. Grumpy Santa

6. Makeshift Santa

7. Really creepy Santa

8. What-the-hell-is-this Santa

9. Bushy eyebrow Santa.

10. Santa got photobombed by animals.

11. Where's his hand Santa.

12. Weed Santa.

13. Santa got-stuck-with-kids.

14. Drunk Santa.

15. The little girl who hates Santa.

16. The not-so-good-with-kids Santa