Quentin Tarantino's films are fantastic. So much so that there's also more trivia to it than just the films itself. Here are some not-so-known facts about some of his more famous movies. Check it out below:

1. In Kill Bill Vol. 1, before the fight between O-Ren and The Bride (Uma Thurman), O-Ren says, in Japanese, “I hope you saved your energy. If you haven’t you might not last 5 minutes.”After she says this, it is exactly 4 minutes and 59 seconds from when the music cues the start of the fight to when the fatal blow is dealt, ending the fight.

2. In Pulp Fiction, the shot of Marcellus turning his head to see Butch in his car is taken directly from Psycho.

3. In Inglorious Basterds, the final card game at the LaLouisiane tavern, the card that Hellstrom (the Gestapo major) has to identify is King Kong, which was one of Adolf Hitler’s favorite movies.

4. In the closing credits to Jackie Brown, Tarantino gives special thanks to “Bert D’Angelo’s Daughter.” In the late 70s, Paul Sorvino starred in a TV detective show, Bert D’Angelo/Superstar. So, “Bert D’Angelo’s Daughter” is Paul’s daughter and Tarantino’s girlfriend at the time, Mira Sorvino.

5. Tarantino says that all of his scripts exist in one of two universes: the “Movie Movie” Universe of the “Realer than Real World” Universe. The “Movie Movie” Universe includes the kinds of film the characters in his “Realer than Real World” Universe (such as Pulp Fiction) would go see, and they’re purposefully unrealistic. Other movies that Tarantino says are in the “Realer than Real World” Universe are Death Proof and Reservoir Dogs.

6. In Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Orange has a poster of the Silver Surfer on his apartment wall. This is an homage to one of Tarantino’s favorite films, Breathless, a 1983 remake of the 1959 film. In the remake, Richard Gere’s character reads The Silver Surfer comics obsessively.

7. The same white Honda Civic is used in Pulp Fiction by Butch, by Jackie in Jackie Brown, and also shows up in the parking lot of the My Oh My strip club in Kill Bill: Vol. 2. .

8. During the end credits of Kill Bill: Vol. 2, the names of the actors playing characters on The Bride’s “Death List Five” are crossed off, referencing the fact that the characters died onscreen. However, a question mark appears over Daryl Hannah’s name, since her character Elle’s condition is unknown. Also, David Carradine (Bill), who supposedly dies onscreen, has his name appear before the dead cast members, but his name isn’t crossed off.

9. In the end credits to Pulp Fiction the coffee shop manager is credited as simply Coffee Shop. This is because when Tim Roth’s character holds a gun to the manager’s head and says “Are you gonna be a hero?” the manager only gets to respond “No, I’m just a coffee shop-“ before Roth cuts him off and starts yelling.

10. Death Proof is the only Tarantino movie that runs in chronological order. He’s notorious for playing around with the timeline of his films, but the raw style of this movie meant he had to skip the flashbacks and other tricks.

11. When Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) explodes in a fit of rage in Django Unchained, he slams his hand down on the dining room table and smashes a glass. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but DiCaprio was in such a zone that he kept going, even though he would later need to get stitches for the injury.

12. It was while filming Pulp Fiction that Tarantino developed Kill Bill. Tarantino came up with the idea while talking with Uma Thurman on set about the types of movies they liked. He expressed his interest in ‘70s kung fu movies, and they started hashing out what would become the opening scene of the beaten Bride in her wedding gown.

13. Kill Bill Vol. 1 was the first of his movies to not feature the word ‘fuck’ at least 100 times. It clocked in with only 17 uses.

14. Tarantino LOVES vintage board games, and he convinced John Travolta to be in Pulp Fiction with an all-day Welcome Back Kotter, Grease and Saturday Night Fever board game marathon.

15. The original name Tarantino wanted for Inglorious Basterds was “Once Upon a Time in Nazi Occupied France.” He settled for other name, of course, and used his first idea for the name of Chapter One in the film.