Is there a way to hack your body? Sure, there is! Here are 15 great hacks that you can use for certain situations.  Check them out after the jump. They may well come in handy.

1. If you have a toothache, rub ice on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger. It will numb your hand and the intensity of your pain will be reduced.

2. Write down your feelings with a pen on paper if you're feeling stressed over an important test or exam. A study suggests that those who jot down their emotions score higher.

3. Use a few drops of Listerine or mouthwash as antiseptic.

4. Your right ear picks up words better while your left ear picks up sounds and music better.

5. If you feel nervous before an interview, take a "high power" position for a few minutes to boost your testosterone level and improve your self-confidence.

6. Coughing while being injected reduces the pain a person feels during a shot.

7. Swear to reduce pain. Research shows that cursing could help.

8. Sleeping on your left side after a heavy meal ensures food and stomach acid don't go to your throat.

9. A glass of water wakes organs up, and drinking before a meal improves digestion. Drinking before bed reduces the danger of a heart attack.

10. Put a pencil in your mouth if you're in a bad mood to activate the muscles you use when smiling. It will trick your brain into boosting your mood.

11. To reduce the peeing urge, think of sex.

12. Take a series of short breaths instead of a huge one to hold your breath underwater for a longer time. It will trick your brain into thinking it has more oxygen.

13. Breathing into a plastic bag for 30 seconds ensures getting rid of hiccups because it increases the level of CO2 in your bloodstream.

14. Press and hold the spot between the two tendons on the inside of your risk to reduce motion sickness or nausea.

15. Hold your eyes wide open without blinking to prevent tears from forming. Works well if you don't want to cry in public.