Men want 6 abs. Ask any one. Only those who are resigned to the goal of it will say they are content. And most times, the road to a good and fit body is full of struggles. Here are some of the 13 struggles men face:

1. Six packs. You may never ever get them. But don't give up trying.

You yearn for them, but figure it's just too hard.

2. Man boobs, if you get fat.

This gets depressing, really.

3. Beer belly.

Too much fatty foods and beer and a lot of sitting down.

4. The general excuse of not having time to work out.

Yup, no time.

5. Waist size increasing. You'll still wear your pants in hopes you shrink back to size.

See, it still fits.

6. You might give up after a while and not buckle up.

Forget it.

7. The gym: you get enthusiastic about it for a good 6 months. And then no longer.

8. When you get into a relationship, you kinda just let it go.

Happy fat is okay right?

9. You only want to work out your arms.

Big arms. Love them.

10. Blame it on work.

Yup, work.

11. You lose the belly, but decide to get lazy again.

Looks okay right now.

12. Contentment.

This is the best I can do.

13. You're not fat. Just not really fit.