Don't like having people wait for you? Don't like waiting for people either? You're torn. But you can't help it. You're always punctual. Early even, sometimes. And that's a good thing. But that doesn't come without a cost. Here are the frustrations of people who are always early.

1. You'll always want to look busy so it's less awkward.

2. You rather not sit down in case you get stood up. 

3. Parties, they don't start on time.

4. Airport gates might not be opened yet.

5. You hope your phone doesn't run out of battery because that's your only entertainment.

6. You've watched all 3 hours of a movie in the cinema, including its 15 minutes worth of ads.

7. Waiters at restaurants assume you'll be eating alone.

8. You check to see if your friend has texted saying they are late. But they haven't.

9. When everyone else thinks 10.30 means 11.

10. Starring at strangers is only fun for 10 seconds. After that it gets creepy.

11. It sucks being early.

12. People might stare at you and it'll get uncomfortable.

Damn you, late comers!

Yeah, damn you!

Whatever it is, you are awesome for always being early. Never change.