Somehow, we've got the feeling that Donald Trump won't even want to sue when he finds out he's got a sex doll. Syrian artist Saint Hox didn't appreciate Trump's comments about refugees, so Saint Hoax decided to create a blowup sex doll image of Trump.

From the Saint Hoax Instagram:

Almost 2 weeks ago, Trump stated that he’s sending Syrian refugees back if he wins. He also added that ISIS could be disguising its troops as Syrian refugees. Being a Syrian citizen myself, I felt that need to react. Given the fact that Trump thinks of us as “ISIS” members in disguise”, he would probably expect me to respond with terrorizing threats, rage and hate. On the contrary, I will respond with satire, art and dolls.

Trump’s take on the Syrian crisis along with other racist / sexist statements that he made in the past led me to create this project. #BlowUpTrump is an inflatable doll produced in China (pun intended). Like Trump, the 5-foot doll is filled with nothing but air. Without the air that you exhale into it, this doll is as empty as Trump’s statements

Will Donald buy it too?