Sound effects in movies are very interesting. We may not take that much notice of it, but it does make the movie whole. So how do they do it? What are the secrets behind these sounds? Check it out below:

1.  As a TIE Fighter speed by, you’re actually hearing the sound of a drastically altered elephant.

2. The sound of Optimus Prime flying was achieved by small fountain fireworks.

3. In Terminator 2, when bullets penetrate T-1000, the actual noise you hear is a drinking glass being dropped into a bucket of yogurt.

4. The sounds of skulls being crushed in Terminator 2, they recorded pistachios being ground into a metal plate.

5. To create the enhanced sound of the DeLorean doors opening in Back to the Future, the crew recorded the sound of a car window regulator.

6. Chewy’s iconic noises were created by blending recordings of bears, lions, and badgers.

7. AT-AT walkers from Star Wars's sound is of a machinist’s punch press.

8. The sound of E.T’s movement was achieved by combining the noises produced from jelly in a wet towel, popcorn in a bag, and packaged liver being pushed in a flat container.

9. To create the sound of Linda Blair’s head spinning around in the Exorcist they manipulated an old leather wallet filled with credit cards.

10. The noises made by the Balrog were actually recordings of cinderblocks scraping against a long wooden floor.

11. Gruesome punching sounds in Fight Club was created by punching crushed chicken meat with baseball bats and slapped slabs of meat with pigs feet.

12. Frenzy’s uniqu sound in Transformers was achieved by sycing up the ticks from a metal wind up clock to the growls of a young cougar.

13.  The crew of Godzilla rubbed a rubber glove coated in pine tar resin against the strings of a double bass.

14. When the velociraptor hatches in Jurassic Park, you hear an ice-cream cone cracking blended with the sound of melons being squashed by rubber gloves covered in soap.

15. The classic T-rex roar in Jurassic Park was achieved by blending noises from six animals: lions, tigers, alligators, elephants, whales, and koalas.

16. The sounds created by Ringwraiths in Lord of the Rings were made by scraping plastic cups against plastic bowls and manipulating the sound in the studio.

17. The war cry of Uruk-hai was created by blending human voices with the roars of sea lions and big cats.

18. The orc sounds in Lord of the Rings were created by manipulating the sounds of baby elephant seals.

19. To create the sounds produced by Freddy’s glove in Nightmare on Elm Street, the crew slid a surgical blade along a machete.

20. To create the ominous sound of droids marching in unison, the Star Wars team used an old seed dispenser used on farms.

21. The authentic sound of boxing punches in Raging Bull, was created by punching large slabs of beef and combine that with manipulated animal and engine noises.

22. Speeder bikes in Star Wars got their sound from recordings of various fighter planes mashed together.

23. When the ghostbusters turn on their proton packs, the sound that you hear is that of a turbine engine, manipulated in the studio.

24. Ben Burtt achieved the perfect sound of the blaster pistols from Star Wars by beating steel cables with a hammer.

25. To achieve the iconic sound of light sabers, the Star Wars team by combining the sound of a projector motor with the feedback produced by old tube televisions.