Matthew Vescovo didn't have much to do, so he thought it would be extremely funny to put hinmself into the ridiculousness that is stock images. As an art director in advertising for years, he used his skills in photoshop to make these fake and staged pictures look a whole lot more livelier. Check it out:

He explained on his website:

“I find that when I look at stock photos, I experience the same uncomfortable feeling I have when my bank tellers asks me with a forced smile, how my morning is going or when I eat “Chick’n” or see an interview with Tom Cruise. It’s not simply that my teller’s greeting, the vegan meat substitute and the celebrity scientologist are fake, it’s how hard they pretend that they’re not–that’s what really gets under my skin.”

A birthday party:

The one with the drunk uncle.

A happy couple.

Their drunk friend:

This intimate couple:

This creepozoid:

This sad chef:

She's sad because..:

This party:

This real party:

This lonely snowman:

This poor snowman: