Hangovers are the bane of morning-after existence. It reminds you that your body ain't what it used to be and you probably shouldn't have been partying too hard. But don't worry. There's a cure. At least, something that will help.

First thing to note is that chugging down a lot of water doesn't help much.

You'll need to re-hydrate your body with a mix of salt, sugar, and water.

The salts and sugar from sports drinks will help your kidneys absorb water. It also comes with carbohydrates that will immediately raise your glucose.

That's because your liver is too busy detoxifying the alcohol, it won't have as much ability to give you the glucose you need.

Soup and salt will give you the important vitamins

B vitamin is needed to help you detox and with your blood sugar too. It can be found in meet and chicken soup too.

So don't just let it go away on its own. It could take hours.