No one, not even the people who've read the books, know what's about to happen in Game of Thrones season 6. It is the most anticipated season ever, and they're already filming for it now. Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, is here to hype all of that up now.

She chatted with the LA Times to reflect on season five, and she said this:

“Ooooh. Oooooh there’s so much in store for her. I’m saying that obviously because I’ve read the script for next season. Muwah ha ha! I know stories. It’s really exciting. Next season, I’ve said this before, but there’s a lot of season where you need to (rightly so) kind of need to set the scene. And you have a couple of episodes where you’re like, “OK, feeding information, I get it. We’re finding out about this person.

And we know about that person. And oh, there’s that person.” But this season coming up, that we’re about to film, there’s none of that. It’s just go, go, go, go. Shocking moment to shocking moment. Epic moment to epic moment. It’s mental; it’s epic. And definitely Dany’s a part of it.”

She also goes into detail bout learning Dothraki once again..

The Times asked if the cast will be attending the Emmys together.

I really hope so. The thing is, it’s right in the middle of our filming schedule. So begins the war of, “But I’ve gotta go. You can stay and do your bit of filming. I want to go to the Emmys.” I think there’s going to be lots of that.

“I’ve got my dress already, so, I win.” Or they’ll just be really clever and just shut down filming for a second. But that would have massive repercussions, so I don’t know if that would be the case, but we shall see…

It’s pretty funny. I remember I did that for, not last year, but the year before. I literally did London, Belfast [Ireland], L.A., Croatia in 40 hours, or something mental. It was bizarre. I think I just walked up on set, “I think I’m still drunk or hung over, can’t quite tell. Let’s do it. Let’s get on a horse. Let’s ride through the desert. Let’s free some slaves. Let’s get it going.”

This sounds like season six is going to be more than awesome.