Paying such a huge sum of money to find a significant other may not end well, as this one Chinese businessman found out. But it's not stopping others from following suit. Ren Lu You says he will pay you $10,000 if you can find him a girlfriend.

He set up a website where people can submit their friends or family members to go on a date with him. If the relationship lasts for 6 months, he will reward the referrer with money.

He didn't like Tinder, so he wanted to improve the dating process this way.

He came up with the idea for Could it work?

It actually sounds like a crowd-sourcing way to get a girlfriend for 6 months, and just before that, he'll probably break up with them to cop out of paying $10k to the referrer.

Apparently, his ultimate goal is to "find somebody really great and be their boyfriend."

Just sounds like he wants to bang as many people he can find with the lure of money but not actually end up paying it. What do you think?

Is this guy...

   The smartest player ever?

   A douchebag who'll dump you just before 6 months?