Would you be upset if a guy dressed in a giant penis costume came up to you and started spraying you with confetti? Apparently, some people didn't appreciate the act at all. The whole thing was to promote safe sex.

The Mirror reports that 19-year-old student Philip van Eck was hired by a sex education charity to promote the use of condoms by dressing up as a giant penis that would spray people with yellow confetti.

And then some were offended:

People over 30 were offended by the outrageous campaign, despite younger consumers finding it amusing.

Philip, who got the job because he is 6ft 4in and fitted the suit perfectly said: “I thought it was hilarious. If I can do a good thing for others, just by being a d***, there is nothing better.

“The filming was not unproblematic, as passers-by wanted selfies with the giant penis.

“Suddenly, lots of people wanted to touch the penis and take pictures with the penis. I almost felt harassed.”

Either way, this looks hilarious. And anyway, wear a condom, folks. Wear a condom.