Cersei Lannister had to do a walk of shame on the season finale of Game of Thrones. It was one of the most talked about scenes besides the one thing we all didn't like. But did Lena Headey really got naked for the show? Did she?

According to this analysis on Reddit:

100% Body double for several reasons, the face outline was blurry as shit when they showed the entire body from the front, two that body doesn’t look at all like Lena’s body, here’s a fairly recent shoot and a couple of screenshots where’s it’s obvious what i mean. NSFW

Edit: Look at images 4 and 5 and tell me you don’t notice it.. lol.

Edit2: Ok ok look at this if you still doubt me :P hhahahaha, i mean it’s kinda funny, her cgi head is pretty freaking round.

So, if people not involved in the production were pretty sure, here's a little piece written about it on Entertainment Weekly:

The sequence took three grueling days to shoot, and while Headey might not have been naked herself during all the shots (a body double was used), she still had to pass through the hostile jeering mud-slinging crowd over and over again, trying to silently convey a progressive journey of complex emotions as Cersei reaches her lowest point—then ultimately finds a spark of strength as she’s lifted up by her resurrected savior, The Mountain.

So there was a body double, but only some parts. But which parts?!