There's nothing but spoilers in here. So turn away and go somewhere else if you have not caught the latest episode, season finale of Game of Thrones. Seriously. SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS, AND NOTHING BUT SPOILERS HERE.

Turn back now!

Okay, you asked for it. This week, something really terrible happened on Game of Thrones. Actually, something terrible happens all the time, but this one is TERRIBLE!!!!

So what happened?

Last two episodes ago, he was face to face with this evil guy.

Do you know this guy?

You LOVE this guy, right?

He's one of the main reasons you watch the whole show.

Other than, you know, dragons. And Daenerys.

...So badass!

But now....Game of Thrones has apparently killed off Jon Snow.

Is he dead? Really, really dead?

What happened to R + L = J?????