There are needs, which are essential to every day living. Then there are wants, which may or may not bring any necessary and valuable meaning to your life, but you would definitely be a lot happier if you're the owner of some of these things below in this list. Check it out:

1. This self driving car:

2. This giant bag of regret:

3. LED coasters:

4. This temperature shower:

5. This teddy bear storing all kinds of contraband:

6. This steam punked vehicle:

7. Death Star ice mold.

8. The carpet alarm clock:

9. A calendar shredder:

10. Luxury like this:

11. This lamp.

12. A gameboy hack:

13. This insane shower:

14. This headgear:

15. This mean looking driving machine.

16. A swing like this for the ocean:

17. Pacman mittens.

18. A Jetpack. Yes, you want this.

19. This glass floor looking:

20. Need some french fries? No problem:

21. This bathtub:

22. This rugged looking Android wear.