How much skin is too much skin? China's largest gaming expo is set on cracking down outfits that are way too revealing. Rumor has it that they are going to fine showgirls $800 for exposing too much and $1,600 for posing provocatively.

A few years ago, an unnamed model named Li Ling shot to superstardom online when she wore this outfit below. Notice how the cameras were not really pointed at her face...

This year's event will be held in Shanghai this year from July 30 to August 2.

Models who reveal more than two centimeters of cleavage will be fined $800.

Models wearing slacks or pants that are two centimeters below the waist will be fined the same amount.

If you're in a vulgar pose like the one below, expect to find yourself a $1,600 fine.

ChinaJoy seems to be cracking down on these kinds of things because it's trying to set itself in a more serious note. It has been showing off the latest tech innovations since 2003.

So it might just come to this: 

Absolutely no boobs at all. 

Seems like this is going to be a thing of the past:

Who would go for the expo if it didn't have this?

Good luck to the person measuring those two centimeters. Best job ever?