Turning 30 means bidding your 20s goodbye and finally being the responsible adult you should be. Redditor ChrisBenRoy got a shock and surprise when he received this card from his father. The reason it was a shock: his dad passed away 16 years ago.

His dad bought and signed the card during his fight with cancer and had his wife deliver it to him on his 30th:

Here's the story:

"My father passed away from Liver/Lung cancer in 1999 after battling it for a year and a half. After so much chemo and medication, he just couldn't take that quality of life anymore and realized it was his time to go. I assume at that point he bought cards for my brother and I's milestone birthdays. It caught me totally off guard and made me so very happy. It felt like he was still there, holding something I'd never seen before that he touched, and signed himself, it was if he had just done it yesterday."