Want to climb the corporate ladder faster and higher? Want to make more money? Who doesn't? Science has just combined the two things everyone loves - sex and money. A study says that the more sexy time a person had, the more likely they were to earn more than those who didn't do the deed.

Economist Dr. Nick Drydakis dissected data from 7,500 Greek people who elected to take part in this research and found that the more a participant had sex, the more they were likely to earn more.

The age that benefited the most was those between 26 and 50.

People who banged two or three times a week earn 4.5 percent more than those who do it less.

The research revealed that sexual activity was a "barometer for health, quality of life, well-being and happiness."

“In the absence of these elements, people may become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety and depression – all factors that can affect their working life,” states Dr. Drydakis.

The happier and more fulfilled individuals are in their lives, the more productive and successful they will be at work.

Did they really need a scientist to figure this out? Isn't it obvious?

But anyway, time to get jiggy with it.