Even if you think it is impossible, humans do make mistakes. And Photoshop mistakes are just as common, but really, quite avoidable if you asked me. All you need to do is check. And re-check. Do it a couple more times before sending out. You may be able to learn a thing or two from these mistakes:

1. It is highly unlikely someone's bosom is that far down..

2. Most people have two shoulders.

3. Head to body ratio size.

4. Most people don't have really long abdominal muscles.

5. Three hands is one too many hands.

6. Always check your surroundings.

7. Don't make people thinner. It's not worth your time.

8. Unnatural make-up.

9. Where's her arm?

10. Remember, butts are always behind. B for butt, B for behind. Not in front.

11. Head to body ratio.

12. This may be the creepiest thing to happen if it ever happened.